As we go forward, flushing the toilet these days could not be riskier – Overflows, flooding, burst pipes, backups, and huge costs over time are all part of the reasons why you need a Drainjet System. According to the Insurance Information Institute, over 500,000 miles of our current plumbing system is over the age of 30 years old. These pipes have begun to belly, crack, and can become a headache for any property owner or a business operator. This guide is how to determine if you need a Drainjet System installed to help rid you of your clogged or debris filled lines. When do you need one of these systems you may ask, anytime you are experiencing clogs in your line! Why do you need one? That is something that requires a little bit more background.
The Exponential Rise of Clogs:
With an aging sewer system that contains millions of pounds of clog starting debris, the number of clogs that you will see will only go up from here. Fat, unflushables, toilet paper, and human bi-products such as hair and waste are all reasons why the clogs get started. With National Geographic reporting finding the largest Fat Berg (A Congealed Glob of fat and trash) ever recorded in London Sewers weighing in at over 130 metric tons, and distancing a span of over 800 feet long you can imagine the problem that we face today.

Photograph by Adrian Dennis, AFP, Getty Images
Moreover, The population of humans is only set to increase from here, with Ourworldindata’s data models showing a level of nearly 9.7 billion globally by the year 2050. That means more greasy foods, trash, and fat bergs for all the worlds sewage lines. Clogs are inevitable, and this may be the #1 reason why you need a Drainjet System installed.
The Number of Bellied Lines Increasing:

This image details three types of lines that you will experience, with the third being the most troublesome and our focus. A negative slope – otherwise known as a bellied line can occur for a multitude of reasons. It is the worst of the three because it allows stagnant water, debris, and buildup to cause you clogs, and potentially cause damage to your property if left untreated.
Foundation settlement, soil erosion, poor soil compacting, and subpar installation can all be reasons why you are experiencing this issue of bellied lines. The other reasons you will see bellied lines is because of earthquakes which are happening more and more often because of fracking. Mini earthquakes are purposely created to allow shale to come out of the ground and has been proven by the United States Geological Survey to produce larger scale earthquakes as an outcome. This is a major reason why we could continue to see bellied lines increasing from here on out, and another reason why you may want a Drainjet System installed.
What is Drain Jetting?
Drain jetting is a proven method also known as line jetting or sewer jetting and is a way to clean and clear your lines from debris. The jetting part of these terms describes the pressurized water used in this method to break through and push the clogs and debris to the mainline sewer or tank.
Why and When You Need a Drainjet System:
As we outlined in this post, the number of clogs that you will experience is more than likely to increase. If you have not noticed it by now, then it is time to be proactive and give us a call today. Our system is the World’s first fully automatic proven drain jetting system and it works by using an automated timer to jet your sewage system with pressurized water. The times that our system goes off can occur anytime throughout the day and is fully customizable to fit your business or property’s needs.
These systems are installed nationwide and we are ready to help you today! If you are experiencing clogs, bellied lines, or are facing constant calls to your plumber then this is the solution for you!
CALL 253 – 475 – 8884